[A modified versions of one of my blog post on "Debate or Dialogue" that I wrote in August 2013]
We are taking rigid and even stubborn positions to defend our
'opinions and/or assumptions' re our point of view on culture, politics, or
simply, what to eat/drink/wear. We consider our opinions the ultimate 'truth'.
Sometimes, we associate our own 'identities' with our 'opinions' and if
they are challenged, we feel 'inferior, embarrassed and ashamed'
and go into endless circles of debates to defeat our opponent.
I remember most of our "hardcore" nationalist friends were joining
hands countering the arguments made by one of the PTI advocates. The style was debating
issues. This PTI man was mostly flawed
though but he had his arguments. Then he would go away or expelled by the admin.
[this was happening at Hujra FB forum]. But when he was away, then Hujra members
were unable to have had a debate or meaningful and focused dialogue among
I think, we mobilize our friends to find counter arguments to create a
win-lose situation. We try to win and feel our opponent 'defeated' and
'stupid'. And the discussion ends with purposeless self-joy and entrancement or
shamefulness for our opponents or the vice-versa.
I don't think that discourse, discussion and debate are not useful
'a la' situations. However, I wish we come out of the debating mode and
initiate a purposeful focused 'dialogue' among ourselves to reach a shared
meaning of oneness and unity that we as a group and nation needs the
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